Como funciona un sistema de tratamiento de Aguas de lastre (Ballast Water Treatment) aprobado por la Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos (USCG) y por la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI).
13 diciembre, 2022Tratamiento de residuos Húmedos de EVAC
24 enero, 2023¿ Cuál es la diferencia de estar aprobado por la USCG (Guardia costera de de Estados Unidos de América) o por la OMI (Organización Marítima Internacional) para un Sistema de Tratamiento de Aguas de Lastre (BWT) ?
ESVA Solutions, representante exclusivo de Bio Sea en Latinoamérica comenta lo siguiente:
Existen diferentes maneras de tratar el agua de lastre de una embarcación marina, sin embargo para estar aprobados para las diferentes sociedades de clasificación marina se requieren cumplir con ciertos parámetros.
USCG (Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos de América).
Durante muchos años, las vías fluviales de los Estados Unidos se han visto afectadas por especies invasoras. Es por eso que la Guardia Costera de los EE. UU. ahora prohíbe que los barcos descarguen agua de lastre sin tratar en aguas de los EE. UU.
Vinculado a la Ley Nacional de Especies Invasoras de 1996, la Guardia Costera de EE. UU. (USCG) estableció en 2004 las reglas para controlar la descarga de Organismos Vivos del Agua de Lastre de los barcos en aguas de EE. UU., mediante la publicación de 33 CFR Parte 151 y 46 CFR Parte 162.
Las Reglas de la USCG entraron en vigor el 21 de junio de 2012 y se pueden descargar del Registro Federal.
Los buques deben gestionar su agua de lastre siguiendo los siguientes métodos de tratamiento y buenas prácticas:
Los sistemas BIO-SEA por medio de ESVA Solutions están aprobados por USCG de 20³/h a 1400³/h para el modo USCG (por sistema) sin tiempo de mantenimiento en agua dulce, 24 h en agua marina y 19 h en agua salobre en modo USCG
OMI (Organización Marítima Internacional).
El Convenio internacional para el control y la gestión del agua de lastre y los sedimentos de los buques, adoptado por la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) en febrero de 2004 para detener la propagación de especies acuáticas invasoras en todo el mundo. el mundo.
La aprobación de OMI para los sistemas de tratamiento de agua de lastre de BIO SEA por medio de ESVA Solutions; significa que cumplen con el nuevo estándar G8 de la OMI (tiempo de retención cero en cualquier tipo de agua) que todos los buques deben cumplir desde que la Convención de la OMI entró en vigor en septiembre 2017.
Más de 65 estados que representan más del 70% del tonelaje mundial total firmaron el Convenio BWM.
Desde su adopción, se han desarrollado 14 Directrices Técnicas para apoyar a las Autoridades del Estado del Puerto, capitanes, propietarios, gerentes, fabricantes de
equipos y sociedades de clasificación, y para fomentar la implementación armonizada de los diferentes requisitos.
Las resoluciones de la OMI han sido adoptadas por el Comité de Protección del Medio Marino (MEPC).
Se cuenta con aprobación desde el 2014 por Bureau Veritas de acuerdo con los requisitos de la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI).
Favor de contactar a nuestro equipo especializado de ventas de ESVA Solutions para mejor asesoramiento sobre nuestros productos de sistemas de tratamiento de aguas de lastre (BWT).
Coast Guard Approval Number: 162.060/9/3 Expires: 20 June 2023
BIO-UV Group
850 Avenue Louis Médard
Capacities: BIO-SEA B: 55 – 1,400 m3/h
BIO-SEA L: 20 – 80 m3/h
BIO-SEA M: 150 – 1,400 m3/h
This is to certify that the above listed BWMS, with the listed treatment capacities, has been satisfactorily examined and tested by Independent Lab DNV in accordance with the requirements contained in 46 CFR 162.060. The system shall be installed and operated in accordance with the below listed Operation, Maintenance, and Safety Manual (OMSM) applicable to the particular model.
BIO-SEA B and BIO-SEA L OMSM, Ref. BS3-01 rev B02, dated November 2021
BIO-SEA M OMSM, Ref. BSM-01 rev A01, dated November 2021
Operational Limitations:
See Appendix
The BIO-SEA B model with the HYDAC filter and alternative control panel, and the BIO-SEA M models have not been verified to meet the requirements of 46 CFR Subchapters F and J, and may not be installed on a U.S. flag vessel. The BWMS does not meet the requirements of 46 CFR 111.105 and may not be installed in hazardous locations on a U.S. flag vessel. The BWMS is not intended for installation in hazardous locations on foreign vessels.
The BWMS must be marked in accordance with 46 CFR 162.060-22. A copy of this Type Approval Certificate shall be carried on board a vessel fitted with the ballast water management system at all times.
This certificate supersedes Approval number 162.060/9/2 dated March 3, 2020; update approves alternative filter, new control cabinet, and new UV models.
*** End ***
THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT the above named manufacturer has submitted to the undersigned satisfactory evidence that the item specified herein complies with the applicable laws and regulations as outlined on the reverse side of this Certificate, and approval is hereby given. This approval shall be in effect until the expiration date hereon unless sooner canceled or suspended by proper authority.
Chief, Engineering Division
(REV. 3-03)
TERMS: The approval of the item described on the face of the Certificate has been based upon the submittal of satisfactory evidence that the item complies with the applicable provisions of the navigation and shipping laws and the applicable regulations in Title 33 and/or Title 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The approval is subject to any conditions noted on this Certificate and in the applicable laws and regulations governing the use of the item on vessels subject to Coast Guard inspection or on other vessels and boats.
Consideration will be given to an extension of this approval provided application is made 3 months prior to the expiration date of this Certificate.
The approval holder is responsible for making sure that the required inspections or tests of materials or devices covered by this approval are carried out during production as prescribed in the applicable regulations.
The approval of the item covered by this certificate is valid only so long as the item is manufactured in conformance with the details of the approved drawings, specifications, or other data referred to. No modification in the approved design, construction, or materials is to be adopted until the modification has been presented for consideration by the Commandant and confirmation received that the proposed alteration is acceptable.
NOTICE: Where a manufacturer of safety-at-sea equipment is offering for sale to the maritime industry, directly or indirectly, equipment represented to be approved, which fails to conform with either the design details or material specifications, or both, as approved by the Coast Guard, immediate action may be taken to invoke the various penalties and sanctions provided by law including prosecution under 46 U.S.C. 3318, which provides:
“A person that knowingly manufactures, sells, offers for sale, or possesses with intent to sell, any equipment subject to this part (Part B. of Subtitle II of Title 46 U.S.C.). and the equipment is so defective as to be insufficient to accomplish the purpose for which it is intended, shall be fined not more than $10,000, imprisoned for not more than 5 years or both.”
- S. Coast Guard Approval Number: 162.060/9/3
Expires: 20 June 2023
Salinity: Not Applicable
Water Temperature: -2-40ºC
Hold Time with FILTREX filter:
>24 Hours in Marine Water (>28 PSU)
>19 Hours in Brackish Water (<28 PSU)
Not Applicable in Fresh Water (<1 PSU)
Hold Time with HYDAC filter: Not Applicable
UV-Intensity at full flow:
BIO-SEA B: >725 W/m2
BIO-SEA L: >1,700 W/m2
BIO-SEA M02: >630 W/m2
BIO-SEA M04: >500 W/m2
BIO-SEA M05: >450 W/m2
BIO-SEA M07: >500 W/m2
*** END ***
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Numéro de certificat : 65393/A2 MMF
Numéro de dossier : .
Code produit : W0100F
Ce certificat n’est pas valable lorsque presenté sans les pages suivantes
comprenant au moins 7 paragraphes
Ce certificat est délivré sous l’autorité de l’Etat Français par Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, organisme habilité selon les dispositions des Divisions 140 et 310 du Règlement annexé à l’Arrêté du 23 novembre 1987 tel qu’amendé.
Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore atteste avoir réalisé la procédure d’approbation relative au matériel ou matériau désigné ci-après selon les dispositions applicables des exigences énumérées ci-dessous.
Ce certificat est délivré à
pour le type de produit
Exigences :
– Div. 218 & 310 du Règlement Français annexé à l’arrêté du 23 novembre 1987 modifié
– IMO Res. MEPC.300(72) – Code for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems
This certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas on behalf of the French Administration, within the scope of the authorization by the French Maritime Authority as provided in Divisions 140 and 310 of the Regulations annexed to the Decree of 23 November 1987 as amended.
Ce certificat expirera le : 22 Jun 2026
Pour Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore,
A BV MARSEILLE, le 08 Nov 2021,
Jean Baptiste GARREAU
Ce certificat est valable jusqu’à la date indiquée ci-dessus, sauf s’il est annulé ou révoqué, pourvu que les conditions indiquées dans la(les) page(s) suivante(s) soient respectées et que le produit reste satisfaisant en service. Ce certificat n’est plus valable si le fabricant effectue des changements ou des modifications du produit approuvé, qui n’auraient pas été notifiés à Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore et acceptés par écrit par Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore. Si les Règlements ou les standards sont modifiés au cours de la période de validité de ce certificat, le(s) produit(s) doit(doivent) être ré-approuvé(s) avant d’être placé(s) à bord de navires pour lesquels les modifications sont applicables. La marque de conformité ” MMF ” ou ” MMF/PL ” ne peut être apposée par le fabricant sur le(s) produit(s) objet de ce certificat qu’à la condition que les dispositions décrites au paragraphe 5 de ce certificat soient respectées.
Ce certificat est délivré dans le cadre des Conditions Générales de la Marine & Offshore de Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore disponible sur le site internet Toute personne qui n’est pas partie au contrat aux termes duquel ce document est délivré ne pourra engager la responsabilité de Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore pour les inexactitudes ou omissions qui pourraient y être relevées ainsi que pour les erreurs de jugement, fautes ou négligences commises par le personnel de la Société ou par ses agents dans l’établissement de ce document et dans l’exécution des interventions qu’il comporte.
The electronic version is available at:
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Numéro de certificat : 65393/A2 MMF
This is to certify that the Ballast Water Management System listed below has been examined and tested in accordance with the requirements of the Code for Approval of Ballast Water Management System (BWMS Code) adopted by IMO Resolution MEPC.300(72) on 13 April 2018 and the circular IMO BWM.2/Circ.33/Rev.1 Guidance on scaling of ballast water management systems. / Il est certifié que le système de gestion des eaux de ballast ci-après a été examiné et soumis à des essais conformément aux dispositions du code pour l’approbation des systèmes de gestion des eaux de ballast (BWMS Code) dans la résolution MEPC.300(72) de l’OMI adoptée le 13 avril 2018 et la circulaire IMO BWM.2/Circ.33/Rev.1 Guide sur la mise à l’échelle des systèmes de gestion des eaux de ballast.
This certificate is valid only for the Ballast Water Management System referred to below. / Le présent certificat n’est valable que pour le système de gestion des eaux de ballast décrit ci-dessous.
BIO-SEA Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS)
1.1 Ballast Water Technology
– The BIO-SEA BWTS consists of two treatment steps in order to comply with the IMO D2 standard: a) Mechanical Filtration by 20 micron automatic filter which removes sediments and larger organisms, and b) Ultraviolet disinfection by a medium pressure UV assembly which inactivates or kills the smaller plankton and bacteria. – The BIO-SEA BWTS may be used to comply with the IMO D2 standard based on 2 levels of treatment (or UV dose): a) IMO/MPN treatment mode for inactivation of 10-50µm organisms
- b) USCG/CMFDA treatment mode for killing of 10-50µm organisms
– The BIO-SEA BWTS is operated from a control panel, which starts the automated ballasting, deballasting or stripping processes. Operation (automatic or manual) is controlled through PLC and monitoring equipment (UV sensors, temperature sensor, pressure sensors, flow meter, conductimeter). Power unit is either a power cabinet for 22kW lamps or an electronic ballast ELC for 6kW lamps.
– Optional: BIO-SEA Clean (CIP unit), remote control cabinet and distribution cabinet.
1.2 BIO-SEA BWTS Range Description
– The BIO-SEA BWTS is composed of 1 Filter unit and 1 UV assembly. Needed UV reactors can be connected in parallel for treating higher flow rates. The size of the filter is adapted consequently.
BWTS Range BIO-SEA | Models Range | TRC Range
(m3/h) – MPN |
TRC Range
(m3/h) – CMFDA |
Nb of electronic ballast (ELC) | Nb of power cabinets |
L Range | L01-0030 to L04-0120 | 30 to 120 | 20 to 80 | 1 to 4 | NA |
B Range | B01-0055 to B14-2100 | 55 to 2100 | 55 to 1400 | NA | 1 to 3 |
M Range | M02-0150 to M14-2100 | 150 to 2100 | 150 to 1400 | NA | 1 to 3 |
R = Reactor type (B, L or M)
nn = number of lamps
DDDD = maximum TRC for the system (in IMO mode)
Exhaustive & detailed list of configurations as per §6.5 of OMSM indicated in §2.1 (“Documents & Drawings”).
1.3 Technical characteristics of ACB Filtrex filters
All filter models documented in OMM.73 Rev.15 dated 10/2020 are approved for use with the BIO SEA BWTS / Tous les modèles de filtres listés sont documentés dans l’OMM.73 rev. 15 daté du 10/2020 sont approuvés pour être utilisés avec le BIO SEA BWTS.
Maker | Filtrex |
Filtration size | 20∝m screen, automatic backwash |
Working pressure | Design pressure: 6 or 10 bar depending on customer requirements Backwash triggering point: 0.3 bar
Minimum operating pressure: 1.5 bar with backwash pump |
Material of Filter housing | bronze aluminium alloy |
BIO-SEA Range | L, B & M |
The electronic version is available at: BV Mod. Ad.E 530MMF June 2017 Ce certificat est composé de 11 pages
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Numéro de certificat : 65393/A2 MMF
1.4 Technical characteristics of RF14 Hydac filters
All filter models documented in the Assembly & Operation Instructions N° 4225695 Rev. G dated 23/03/2021 are approved for use with the BIO SEA BWTS / Tous les modèles de filtres documentés dans les instructions d’assemblage et d’opérations N° 4225695 Rev. G datées du 23/03/2021 sont approuvés pour être utilisés avec le BIO SEA BWTS.
Maker | Hydac |
Filtration size | 20∝m screen, automatic backwash |
Working pressure | Design pressure: 6 or 10 bar depending on customer requirements Backwash triggering point: 0.5 bar
Minimum operating pressure: 1.5 bar with backwash pump |
Material of Filter housing | Carbon Steel + internal lining |
BIO-SEA Range | B & M |
1.5 Technical characteristics of the UV assembly for BIO-SEA B
Maker | BIO-UV Group (France) |
Flow rate per UV reactor | Maximum: 150 m3/h (IMO/MPN) or 100 m3/h (USCG/CMFDA)
Minimum: 5 m3/h |
UV Lamps Characteristics | Number of Lamps per UV Reactor: 1 UV Lamp
Min Electric Power per lamp = 11kW (IMO) / 14kW (USCG) Max. Electric Power per lamp = 22 kW |
Design Pressure | 10 bar |
Power Supply | 400-440VAC; 50-60 Hz, 3-Phase
Standard or compact power cabinets as per wiring diagrams in FIC-BET-27 version D dated 30/09/2021 |
Mounting | Horizontal. Reactor configuration as per A0427-04 (90° Right) and A0427-05 (90° Left). Mounting in parallel (1 to 14 Reactors) with manifold configurations as per FIC-BET-27 version D dated 30/09/2021 |
Material | copper-aluminium alloy and titanium |
1.6 Technical characteristics of the UV assembly for BIO-SEA M
BIO-SEA M UV reactor is a upscaled model of the BIO-SEA B UV reactor
Maker | BIO-UV Group (France) |
Design Pressure | 10 bar |
Power Supply | 400-440VAC; 50-60 Hz, 3-Phase
Standard or compact power cabinets as per wiring diagrams in FIC-BET-27 version D dated 30/09/2021 |
Material | austenitic stainless steel 254SMO |
M Reactor # | M02 | M04 | M05 | M07 |
Maximum Flow rate per UV reactor (IMO/ MPN) | 300 m3/h | 600 m3/h | 750 m3/h | 1050 m3/h |
Maximum Flow rate per UV reactor (USCG/CMFDA) | 200 m3/h | 400 m3/h | 500 m3/h | 700 m3/h |
Minimum Flow rate per UV reactor (Safety) | 10 m3/h | 20 m3/h | 25 m3/h | 35 m3/h |
Number of Lamps per UV Reactor | 2 UV Lamps | 4 UV Lamps | 5 UV Lamps | 7 UV Lamps |
Min. Electric Power per reactor (IMO Mode) | 22 kW | 44 kW | 55 kW | 77 kW |
Max. Electric Power per reactor | 44kW | 88kW | 110kW | 154kW |
Horizontal Mounting /
Applicable drawings |
A1168 & A1221 | A1167 & A 1209 | A1162 & A1210 | A1150 & A1211 |
2 similar M Reactors can be mounted symmetrically to reach higher flow rates.
The electronic version is available at: BV Mod. Ad.E 530MMF June 2017 Ce certificat est composé de 11 pages.
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Numéro de certificat : 65393/A2 MMF
1.7 Technical characteristics of the UV assembly for BIO-SEA L
BIO-SEA L UV reactor is a downscaled model of the BIO-SEA B UV reactor
Maker | BIO-UV Group (France) |
Flow rate per UV reactor | Maximum: 30 m3/h (IMO/MPN) or 20 m3/h (USCG/CMFDA)
Minimum: 5 m3/h |
UV Lamps Characteristics | Number of Lamps per UV Reactor: 1 UV Lamp
Min. Electric Power per lamp = 3kW (IMO) / 4kW (USCG) Max. Electric Power per lamp = 6kW |
Design Pressure | 10 bar |
Power Supply | 400-440VAC; 50-60 Hz, 3-Phase
ELC as per datasheet referenced in FIC-BET-27 version D dated 30/09/2021 |
Mounting | Horizontal. Reactor configuration as per A0468
Mounting in parallel (1 to 4 Reactors) with manifold configurations as per FIC-BET-27 version D dated 30/09/2021 |
Material | bronze (as an alternative: copper-aluminium alloy) |
1.8 Control and Monitoring
– Control Cabinet as per wiring diagrams in FIC-BET-27 version D dated 30/09/2021
– PLC Program V3.02.xx
2.1 List of Documents and Drawings FIC-BET-27 version D dated 30/09/2021 including:
– Diagrammatic drawings of the pumping and piping arrangements
– Drawings of filters, UV reactors, manifolds, power cabinets and control cabinet
– Electrical and Electronic Wiring Diagrams
– Technical data sheets & manuals for components
2.2 Manuals for BIO-SEA® BWTS:
BIO-SEA Range | B / L | M |
Operation Maintenance and Safety Manual OMSM | BS3-01 Rev. B01 | BSM-01 Rev. A00 |
Installation book | BS3-02 Rev. B01 | BSM-02 Rev. A00 |
Commissioning book | BS3-03 Rev. B01 | BSM-03 Rev. A00 |
– BIO-SEA® CIP unit N° BS_M-CIP Rev. A01 dated 07/2020 (Manual) & N° BS3_CIP Rev. A01 dated 09/2021 (Automatic) – ACB filters Operation and Maintenance Manual N° OMM.73 Rev.15 dated 10/2020
– Assembly & Operation Instructions AutoFilt® RF14 Back-flushing filter N° 4225695 Rev. G dated 23/03/2021 Above information is needed for installation, commissioning and operation of BIO-SEA®BWTS. Complete references are contained in document “List of Documents and Drawings” FIC-BET-27 version D dated 30/09/2021 / Les informations ci-dessus sont nécessaires à l’installation, la mise en service et le fonctionnement du BWTS BIO-SEA® et sont référencées dans le document “List of Documents and Drawings” FIC-BET-27 version D dated 30/09/2021
2.3 Software documentation
– change note dated 08/2021 and software functional analysis N° BSB_V3.02 (ENR-BET-16) dated 23/08/2021 – FIC BET-29 Rev. A03
– Functional test procedure N° INS-PRD-51.
– Functional test procedure for 3.00.xx Rev. 3 dated 19/05/2021 witnessed by a BV Surveyor.
2.4 Scaling Documentation
– Test plan proposal for BIO-SEA M Range v1 dated 2021
– BIO-SEA® BWTS UV Downscaling study for UV reactor dated 11/2020
– BIOSEA® BWTS Upscale study for M UV Reactor Rev. 3 dated 09/2021
The electronic version is available at: BV Mod. Ad.E 530MMF June 2017 Ce certificat est composé de 11 pages
– SDL Report v3 dated 08/2021
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Numéro de certificat : 65393/A2 MMF
2.5 Other Documentation
– BIO-SEA® BWTS Risk assessment dated 12/2020 & Review of risk assessment for new components of BIO-SEA BWTS v1 dated 08/2021
– Review of biological efficacy of BIO-SEA BWTS equipped with HYDAC System v1 dated 08/2021 No departure from the above documents shall be made without the prior consent of the Society named on this certificate. The manufacturer must inform the Society of any modification or changes to these documents and drawings. / Aucune déviation de cette documentation technique n’est autorisée sans l’accord préalable de la Société. Le fabricant doit informer la Société de toute modification ou révision à ces documents et plans.
Tests carried out according to the “Code for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems” (BWMS Code), Res. MEPC.300(72).
3.1 Land-based tests, DHI. All land-based tests were performed with a BIO-SEA B02-0300 BWTS with a Treatment Rated Capacity of 300m3/h consisting of two 150m3/h UV B reactors and one Filtrex ACB 945-200.
– N° 11818036 dated 18/07/2016
Land-based tests, NIVA. All land-based tests were performed with a BIO-SEA B02-0300 BWTS with a Treatment Rated Capacity of 300m3/h consisting of two 150m3/h UV B reactors and one Filtrex ACB 945-200.
– N° 7428-2019 dated 06/10/2019
3.2 Additional tests for 2nd filter approval.
– HYDAC-BIOUV Filter comparison test report dated 24/08/2020
Land-based tests, NIVA. All land-based in IMO/MPN mode tests were performed with a BIO-SEA B02-0300 BWTS with a Treatment Rated Capacity of 300m3/h consisting of two 150m3/h UV B reactors and one Hydac Filter RF14-15. – N° 7561-2020 dated 09/12/2020
3.3 Shipboard test, DHI. All shipboard tests were performed with a BIO-SEA B06-0900 BWTS with a Treatment Rated Capacity of 900m3/h consisting of six 150m/h UV B reactors and one Filtrex ACB 999-350.
– N°11824478 dated 04/02/2021
3.4 Environmental testing
– Environmental tests report N° DELTA-T211580 dated 08/05/2017 issued by DELTA (FORCE Technology): Power Cabinet, Sensors & B Reactors.
– Test report N° 119-31029-1 dated 26/11/2019 issued by FORCE Technology: Distribution Cabinet – Test report N° 120-28238-1 dated 18/03/2021 issued by FORCE Technology: Control Cabinet
– Test report N° 121-22997-1 dated 24/06/2021 issued by FORCE Technology: M reactors
– Other electrical components already type approved as per FIC-BET-27 version D dated 30/09/2021
4.1 Intended for Ballast Water Treatment: / 4.1 Application destinée au traitement des eaux de ballast: – Ballast Water Uptake: Filtration / UV-disinfection / – au chargement de l’eau de ballast (Filtration / désinfection UV) – Ballast Water Discharge: UV-disinfection / – au rejet des eaux de ballast (désinfection UV)
– The system can be used in the following common ambient and water conditions / Le système peut être utilisé dans les conditions air et eaux suivantes:
Water temperature range | No limitation |
Ambient temperature range | 0 to +55 °C |
Water salinity range | No limitation |
The electronic version is available at: BV Mod. Ad.E 530MMF June 2017 Ce certificat est composé de 11 pages
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Numéro de certificat : 65393/A2 MMF
4.2 Operating Conditions for BIO-SEA BWTS / 4.2 Conditions de service pour BIO-SEA BWTS
Treatment Rated Capacity (per reactor) | 50~150 m3/h | M02: 100~300
M04: 200~400 M05: 250~750 M07: 350~1050 |
10~30 m3/h |
Minimum / Maximum Operating Pressure | 2 bar / 10 bar | 2 bar / 10 bar | 2 bar / 10 bar |
Maximum Filter Differential Pressure | 0,5 (Filtrex) / 1 bar
(Hydac) |
0,5 (Filtrex) / 1 bar
(Hydac) |
0,5 (Filtrex) |
Minimum holding time | No limitation | No limitation | No limitation |
Minimum UV Intensity in IMO Mode – reduced flow / full flow (W/m2) | 150 / 750 | M02: 150 / 750
M04: 160 / 800 M05: 180 / 850 M07: 160 / 700 |
900 / 2100 |
Minimum UV Intensity in USCG Mode – reduced flow / full flow (W/m2) | 725 / 1440 | M02: 630 / 1500
M04: 500 / 1450 M05: 450 / 1400 M07: 500 / 1400 |
1700 / 2900 |
4.3 The treatment rated capacity of the BWMS is not to be less than the operated flow rate of ballast pump(s). / 4.3 La capacité nominale de traitement des systèmes de gestion des eaux de ballast (BWMS) ne peut pas être inférieure au débit de service de la (des) pompe(s) de ballast.
4.4 Ex-certification is not covered by this certificate. Application for use in hazardous areas to be approved in each case. / 4.4 La certification Ex n’est pas couverte par ce certificat. L’utilisation en zones dangereuses doit être approuvée pour chaque cas. 4.5 The following documentation is to submitted for approval on a ship case-by-case basis : / 4.5 La documentation suivante doit être soumise pour approbation par navire au cas par cas:
– On-board location of the BWTS skid-unit; / – Emplacement de l’unité BWTS à bord;
– All connection details of interface towards ship’s ballast piping systems; / – Détails de toutes les connexions d’interface avec les systèmes de tuyauteries de ballast du navire;
– Management of stripping operations; / – Gestion des opérations de stripping
– Layout of the system; / – Agencement du système;
– All associated control, alarm and monitoring equipment; / – Equipements de contrôle, d’alarme et de surveillance afférents; – Wiring diagrams and the cable specifications; / – Schémas de câblage et spécifications des câbles; – Materials list. / Liste des matériaux
– Arrangement and location of Ballast Water sampling ports. / – Agencement et emplacement des ports d’échantillonnage des eaux de ballast.
- PRODUCTION SURVEY REQUIREMENTS / EXIGENCES DES INSPECTIONS DE PRODUCTION 5.1 The ballast water treatment systems are to be supplied by BIO-UV Group in compliance with the type, and the requirements described in this certificate. / 5.1 Les systèmes de traitement des eaux de ballast doivent être fournis par BIO-UV Group en conformité avec le type et les exigences décrites dans le présent certificat.
5.2 In compliance with French Regulations Division 218, the surveillance of the manufacturing of ballast water treatment systems is to be carried out in accordance with Division 310. / 5.2 Conformément à la Règlementation Française Division 218, la surveillance de fabrication des systèmes de traitement des eaux de ballast doit être effectuée selon les dispositions de la Division 310.
5.3 Pursuant to French Regulations Division 310, the ballast water treatment systems are categorised HBV as per Bureau Veritas Rule Note NR320. / 5.3 Conformément à la Division 310, les systèmes de traitement des eaux de ballast sont catégorisés HBV suivant la note Bureau Veritas NR320.
Lieu de fabrication
BIO-UV Group
850 Avenue Louis Médard
5.5 BIO-UV Group has declared to Bureau Veritas that some components detailed in this certificate can be manufactured/assembled at his suppliers’s production sites, but however always under his full responsibility and reliability. / 5.5 BIO-UV Group a déclaré à Bureau Veritas que certains composants qui sont détaillés dans ce certificat peuvent être fabriqués / assemblés sur les sites de production de ses fournisseurs, mais cependant toujours sous son entière responsabilité et fiabilité.
Each Ballast Water Treatment System is to be marked with:
– Manufacturer’s name or logo
– Serial number
– Type designation
– Mark of conformity as per French Rules Article 310.7: 0062/MMF/XX where XX are the last two digits of year of manufacturing.
The marking must be affixed with an indelible means on the approved product.
Chaque système de traitement des eaux de ballast doit être marqué avec :
– Nom du fabricant ou son logo
– Numéro de série
– Type et désignation
– Marque de conformité conforme à l’article 310.7 du Règlement Français: 0062/MMF/XX où XX correspond aux deux derniers chiffres de l’année de fabrication.
Le marquage doit être apposé d’une manière indélibile sur le matériel approuvé.
7.1 It is BIO-UV Group‘s responsibility to inform shipbuilders or their sub-contractors of the proper methods of fitting, use and general maintenance of the approved equipment and the conditions of this approval / 7.1 Il incombe à BIO-UV Group d’informer les chantiers de constructions de navires ou leurs sous-traitants des méthodes appropriées de montage, d’utilisation et d’entretien général de l’équipement approuvé et des conditions de la présente approbation.
7.2 A copy of this Type Approval Certificate of Ballast Water Management System should be carried onboard a vessel fitted with this Ballast Water Management System at all times. A reference to the test protocol and a copy of the summary of the test results should be available for inspection on board the vessel. / 7.2 Un exemplaire du présent certificat devrait se trouver en permanence à bord d’un navire équipé de ce système de gestion des eaux de ballast. Une référence au protocole d’essai et une copie du procès-verbal d’essai devraient se trouver à bord pour pouvoir être inspectées.
Note: Summary of the tests and the results obtained are shown on the Appendix to this Certificate. / Note: Le résumé des tests et les résultats obtenus sont indiqués sur l’annexe de ce certificat.
7.3 A copy of the operating manual is to be maintained onboard. / 7.3 Un exemplaire du manuel d’exploitation doit être conservé à bord.
7.4 This certificate supersedes the Type Approval Certificate N° 65393/A1 MMF issued by the Society. / 7.4 Ce certificat annule et remplace le Certificat d’Approbation de Type N° 65393/A1 MMF émis par la Societé.
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Numéro de certificat : 65393/A2 MMF
Appendix to the Type Approval Certificate of Ballast Water Management System N° 65393/A2 MMF Summary of Test Results for BIO-SEA® Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS)
System Type : Ballast Water Management System
System Designation : BIO-SEA Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) B02-300 (formerly B300 during the test campaign. Only the name has changed)
Supplied By : BIO-UV Group 34400 LUNEL (France)
2- SUMMARY OF LAND BASED TESTS (Testing of IMO/MPN treatment mode)
In the tables, the test references (in bold letters) indicate: Report Reference / year of testing / model tested (max TRC). Regarding the flow rate, the first value is the inlet flow rate (measured at inlet of the BWTS) & the 2nd value is measured at the outlet of the BWTS (after filtration and corresponding backwash discharge stream)
DHI Report N°11810336/ 2015 / BIO-SEA® B02-0300 (300m3/h)
Water characteristics: salinity from 33 to 34 PSU; temperature from 6.5 to 18°C ; TSS from 40 to 61 mg/L. Inlet organisms: 10-50µm from 1066 to 2998 /mL (STO: 14-55%); >50µm: from 167194 to 283118 /m3 (STO: 43-74%) |
Test ID | Inlet Water
UVT (%) |
Flow rate | Holding
time |
Discharge of Org. >50 µm per m3 | Discharge of Org.
10-50 µm per mL MPN CMFDA |
Discharge of Org. <10 µm | |
M-1 | 45 | 191 / 164 | 1 days | 76 | 5.9 | 441 | passed |
M-2 | 41 | 114 / 95 | 1 days | 40 | 2.0 | 250 | passed |
M-3 | 59 | 301 / 290 | 5 days | 2.7 | 0.49 | 119 | passed |
M-4 | 48 | 280 / 285 | 5 days | 10 | <0.18 | 315 | passed |
M-5 | 42 | 171 / 170 | 5 days | 3.7 | <0.18 | 330 | passed |
M-6 | 58 | 311 / 299 | 5 days | 1.3 | 0.30 | 260 | passed |
M-7 | 71 | 323 / 297 | 5 days | 4.3 | <0.18 | 838 | passed |
M-8 | 71 | 322 / 301 | 5 days | 1.3 | <0.18 | 933 | passed |
NIVA Report N°SNO 7428/ 2019 / BIO-SEA®B02-0300 (300m3/h)
Water characteristics: salinity from 30.5 – 30.7 PSU; temperature 15.7 – 16.1 °C ; TSS from 58.5 – 59.8 mg/L. Inlet organisms: 10-50µm from 1400 to 1504 /mL (STO: 38-45%); >50µm: from 150708 to 161304 /m3 (STO: 0%) |
Test ID | Inlet Water
UVT (%) |
Flow rate | Holding
time |
Discharge of Org. >50 µm per m3 | Discharge of Org.
10-50 µm per mL MPN CMFDA |
Discharge of Org. <10 µm | |
SW 1 | 49.2 | 125 / 124 | 1 day | <1 | 0.13 | 35 | passed |
SW 2 | 49.7 | 126 / 124 | 1 day | <1 | 0.06 | 43 | passed |
DHI Report N°11810336/ 2015 / BIO-SEA® B02-0300 (300m3/h)
Water characteristics: salinity from 17 to 19 PSU; temperature from 9.2 to 17°C ; TSS from 52 to 62 mg/L. Inlet organisms: 10-50µm from 1594 to 2397 /mL (STO: 41-84%); >50µm: from 129,043 to 267,149 /m3 (STO: 40-57%) |
Test ID | Inlet Water
UVT (%) |
Flow rate | Holding
time |
Discharge of Org. >50 µm per m3 | Discharge of Org.
10-50 µm per mL MPN CMFDA |
Discharge of Org. <10 µm | |
B-1 | 38 | 91 / 90 | 1 day | 1.7 | 0.65 | 222 | passed |
B-2 | 63 | 303 / 292 | 5 days | 0.67 | 6.0 | 125 | passed |
B-3 | 62 | 304 / 295 | 5 days | 0.67 | < 0.18 | 357 | passed |
B-4 | 45 | 167 / 180 | 5 days | 0 | < 0.18 | 188 | passed |
B-5 | 53 | 342 / 297 | 5 days | 0 | < 0.18 | 224 | passed |
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Numéro de certificat : 65393/A2 MMF
NIVA Report N°SNO 7428/ 2019 / BIO-SEA® B02-0300 (300m3/h)
Water characteristics: salinity 18.6 PSU; temperature from 18.0°C ; TSS from 59.8 mg/L. Inlet organisms: 10-50µm 1029 /mL (STO: 35%); >50µm: from 256792 /m3 (STO: 0%) |
Test ID | Inlet Water
UVT (%) |
Flow rate | Holding
time |
Discharge of Org. >50 µm per m3 | Discharge of Org.
10-50 µm per mL MPN CMFDA |
Discharge of Org. <10 µm | |
BW 1 | 45.7 | 146 / 145 | 1 day | 0.6 | 0.13 | 27 | passed |
DHI Report N°11810336/ 2015 / BIO-SEA® B02-0300 (300m3/h)
Water characteristics: salinity from 0.32 to 0.35 PSU; temperature from 15 to 18 °C ; TSS from 63 to 72 mg/L. Inlet organisms: 10-50µm from 23,395 to 32,480 /mL (STO: 0%); >50µm: from 142,259 to 435,458 /m3 (STO: 0%) |
Test ID | Inlet Water
UVT (%) |
Flow rate | Holding
time |
Discharge of Org. >50 µm per m3 | Discharge of Org.
10-50 µm per mL MPN CMFDA |
Discharge of Org. <10 µm | |
F-1 | 42 | 195 / 198 | 1 day | 5.5 | < 0.18 | 132 | passed |
F-2 | 42 | 111 / 158 | 5 days | 0.56 | < 0.18 | 18 | passed |
F-3 | 42 | 126 / 158 | 5 days | 0 | < 0.18 | 46 | passed |
F-4 | 44 | 167 / 193 | 5 days | 0 | 0.19 | 50 | passed |
F-5 | 44 | 167 / 199 | 5 days | 0.33 | < 0.18 | 44 | passed |
NIVA Report N°SNO 7428/ 2019 / BIO-SEA® B02-0300 (300m3/h)
Water characteristics: salinity 0.1 PSU; temperature from 18.2°C ; TSS from 58.3 mg/L. Inlet organisms: 10-50µm 1146 /mL (STO: 26%); >50µm: from 109358 /m3 (STO: 0%) |
Test ID | Inlet Water
UVT (%) |
Flow rate | Holding
time |
Discharge of Org. >50 µm per m3 | Discharge of Org.
10-50 µm per mL MPN CMFDA |
Discharge of Org. <10 µm | |
FW 1 | 64.4 | 284 / 290 | 1 day | <1 | <0.06 | 2.5 | passed |
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Numéro de certificat : 65393/A2 MMF
3- SUMMARY OF ADDITIONAL LAND BASED TESTS (for approval of 2nd filter)
3.1 Comparative testing
– HYDAC-BIOUV Filter comparison test report dated 24/08/2020
3.2 Land-based tests
BWMS: BIO-SEA® B02-0300 (300m3/h) for IMO Mode & BIO-SEA® B03-0300 (300m3/h) for USCG Mode with Hydac Filter RF14-15
Test laboratory: NIVA (Norway)
Test report: N° 7561-2020 dated 09/12/2020
Test ID | Water
Quality |
(PSU) |
Temperature | TSS | Inlet Organisms
10-50µm (org/mL) |
Inlet Organisms >50µm (org/m3) |
1 | FW | 0.4 | 17 | 46.9 | 1 220 | 528 163 |
2 | BW | 18.7 | 18.5 | 35.5 | 1 496 | 730 971 |
3 | FW | 0.0 | 16.8 | 44.4 | 1 613 | 188 975 |
4 | MW | 30.1 | 15.5 | 42.8 | 4 367 | 215 100 |
5 | BW | 18.4 | 19.6 | 40.3 | 2 133 | 123 733 |
6 | FW | 0.0 | 17.8 | 63.2 | 2 250 | 129 083 |
7* | FW | 0.0 | 18 | 62.7 | 2 517 | 111 108 |
8 | BW | 18.6 | 19.2 | 64.8 | 2 517 | 165 150 |
9* | BW | 18.5 | 19.6 | 64.3 | 1 767 | 165 746 |
10 | MW | 31.6 | 12.2 | 64.5 | 2 211 | 116 971 |
11* | MW | 31.5 | 12.2 | 65.7 | 2 411 | 203 188 |
12 | MW | 29.7 | 12.9 | 43.3 | 1 894 | 115 750 |
*tests performed in IMO Mode
Test ID | Inlet Water UVT (%) | Flow rate (m3/h) | Holding
time (h) |
Discharge of Org. >50 µm per m3 | Discharge of Org.
10-50 µm per mL MPN CMFDA |
Discharge of Org. <10 µm | |
1 | 70.0 | 277 | 2.1 | <1 | – | <0.3 | passed |
2 | 71.8 | 245 | 1.7 | <1 | – | 2.0 | passed |
3 | 65.7 | 274 | 1.2 | 0.7 | – | <0.3 | passed |
4 | 76.5 | 234 | 1.1 | <1 | – | <0.3 | passed |
5 | 71.3 | 281 | 1.2 | 0.3 | – | <0.3 | passed |
6 | 53.5 | 199 | 22.1 | <1 | – | <0.3 | passed |
7* | 55.3 | 286 | 22.1 | <1 | <0.06 | <0.3 | passed |
8 | 58.2 | 169 | 23.5 | 0.3 | – | 1.2 | passed |
9* | 56.4 | 295 | 23.7 | 1.3 | <0.06 | 0.8 | passed |
10 | 62.7 | 215 | 22.4 | <1 | – | 0.5 | passed |
11* | 62.5 | 291 | 22.7 | <1 | 0.06 | 6.7 | passed |
12 | 79.1 | 298 | 1.2 | <1 | – | 0.5 | passed |
*tests performed in IMO Mode
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Numéro de certificat : 65393/A2 MMF
A total of 5 cycles (including 3 valid consecutive cycles) were performed onboard bulk carrier vessel M/V KOTOR equipped with a BIO-SEA B06-0900 system between January and November 2020. The Shipboard testing campaign officially started the 11/02/2020.
Laboratory : DHI (Denmark), DHI Final test report N° 11824478 dated 04/02/2021
CMFDA/FDA method has been used for counting of organisms in the 10-50µm size category
Cycle | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Ballasting date | 08/01/2020 –
09/01/2020 |
11/02/2020 – 14/02/2020 | 27/09/2020 –
28/09/2020 |
03/11/2020 –
05/11/2020 |
26/11/2020 –
27/11/2020 |
Location | Algiers, Algeria | Strait of
Gibraltar |
La Pallice,
France |
Algeria |
Portugal |
Salinity (PSU) | 43 | 42 | 35 | 39 | 30 |
TSS (mg/L) | 7.8 | 16 | 49 | 17 | 24 |
UVT (%) | 98 | 99 | 76 | 97 | 93 |
Temperature (°C) | 19 | 17 | 16 | 21 | 17 |
Ballasting flowrate
(m3/h) |
845 | 745 | 434 | 759 | 776 |
Retention time (hours) | 23:52 | 79:31 | 25 :17 | 50 :51 | 24 :14 |
IMO Validity Criterion (Uptake) | OK | OK | OK | Ok | Ok |
Discharge : >50µm
(organisms/m3) |
311 | 1.8 | 65 | 5.6 | 4.5 |
Discharge : 10-50µm
(organisms/mL) |
80 | 2.0 | 4.3 | 2.2 | 3.7 |
Discharge : <10µm
indicators |
passed | passed | passed | passed | passed |
Cycle results | Invalid* | Successful | Invalid** | Successful | Successful |
*Due to valve leakage, the results at discharge were not in compliance with the discharge standards. Thus the test campaign is not started.
** Due to water tank contamination, the results at discharge were not in compliance with the discharge standards. Thus the test cycle is considered invalid.
The electronic version is available at: BV Mod. Ad.E 530MMF June 2017 Ce certificat est composé de 11 pages